Date Title
2023-04-03 76 landslides in 2022
2023-03-07 土拓署引入自動化系統檢測建築物料質量 增效率同時減省人手 (Chinese Only)
2023-02-17 土拓署「親子斜坡安全嘉年華」 多個親子遊戲寓教於樂 (Chinese Only)
2023-01-10 政府引入機械狗助視察高風險環境 工程師指有效減工業意外發生 (Chinese Only)
2022-12-01 National Geographic Magazine: Weathering the Elements Together - A look back on the development of slope safety in Hong Kong over half a century in preparation for the challenges ahead
2022-06-13 回顧歷史,居安思危:「山泥傾瀉事故50年」紀念活動 讓公眾重溫歷史 (Chinese Only)
2022-06-01 回顧歷史,居安思危:『六一八』山泥傾瀉事故50年專題展覽 (Chinese Only)
2022-03-01 How Hong Kong protects people from dangerous landslides
2021-11-28 土力工程師變身校園大使 與學生分享斜坡安全知識 (Chinese Only)
2021-10-24 寶珊排水隧道創新地下水位調控系統 減大型山泥傾瀉風險 (Chinese Only)
2021-07-24 過百中學生參與人工智能比賽 應用新科技提升斜坡安全知識 (Chinese Only)
2021-05-31 機械狗增應對山泥傾瀉效率 (Chinese Only)
2021-04-11 應用創新科技 加強斜坡安全管理 (Chinese Only)
2021-03-29 Drones sow seeds on landslide scars
2021-03-26 Innotech Forum on Geotechnology
2021-02-07 居安思危 防治山泥傾瀉 (Chinese Only)
2020-06-14 山多雨水多 市民需提防山泥傾瀉 (Chinese Only)
2020-03-30 Public urged to increase vigilance against landslides before wet season (with photos)
2020-03-30 131 landslides in 2019
2019-06-09 土拓署逆流英雌 (Chinese Only)
2019-05-29 Hong Kong and Sichuan sign MOU on geo-hazard risk management (with photos)
2019-05-05 黃偉綸網誌為在職母親打氣 (Chinese Only)
2019-04-25 模擬培訓 應對山泥傾瀉 (Chinese Only)
2019-04-04 Gov't vigilant against landslips
2019-01-03 Over 650 datasets to be released
2018-09-14 Emergency typhoon plans in place
2018-08-19 土力工程處見習生分享經驗 (Chinese Only)
2018-05-20 黃偉綸網誌:川港同心 關愛同行 (Chinese Only)
2018-05-12 Geohazard meeting held
2018-03-15 Smart Barrier boosting slope safety
2018-02-04 防治山泥話今昔 (Chinese Only)
2017-09-20 Emergency landslide inspection service wins Safety Performance Award (with photos)
2017-07-14 GEO holds thematic exhibition to mark 40th anniversary of HK Slope Safety System (with photos)
2017-06-21 CEDD completes review on last batch of reports in alleged falsification of concrete cube test reports
2017-06-17 CEDD updates investigation on alleged falsification of concrete cube test reports
2017-05-23 Government response to ICAC's arrest of staff members of a CEDD's outsourced laboratory for allegedly falsifying concrete test reports
2016-11-25 Preparation for extreme rainfall recommended by Slope Safety Technical Review Board
2016-01-17 Exhibition on landslide history to be held from Friday
2015-12-13 Exhibition on slope safety to be held from Wednesday
2015-10-30 Sustainable Slope Landscaping Award commends excellent slope landscaping works (with photos)
2015-08-18 "Day Camp for Geotechnical Engineers of Tomorrow 2015 - Exploring Super Volcano!" enhances students' awareness of slope safety (with photos)
2014-09-14 Exhibition on slope safety
2014-07-05 Day Camp for Geotechnical Engineers of Tomorrow improves students' awareness of slope safety (with photo)
2014-02-20 GEO launches "HK Landslides" e-book and "Are you in the Picture?" Campaign (with photos)
2013-11-15 Exhibition on slope safety and long-term strategy for cavern development
2013-07-07 Government endeavours to prevent and mitigate landslips (with photos)
2013-06-28 Hong Kong and Seoul sign MOU on mitigation of landslide hazards (with photos)
2013-05-03 Exhibition and lecture on "When Hillsides Collapse - A Century of Landslides in Hong Kong - Be Prepared for Danger in Times of Peace"
2012-06-19 Exhibition on slope safety and enhanced use of underground space
2012-03-03 Planting Day promotes community involvement in slope greening (with photos)
2012-02-15 LCQ20: Landslip preventive measures programme
2011-09-12 Slope Safety and Maintenance Exhibition
2011-07-26 Slope Safety and Maintenance Exhibition
2011-06-22 Slope Safety and Maintenance Exhibition
2011-05-06 Exhibition on slope safety and maintenance to be held on Sunday
2010-11-28 Fiesta in Victoria Park features slope safety (with photos)
2010-04-30 Government launches new landslip prevention and mitigation programme (with photos)